Slashing Foreign Aid Redux

Hot damn! Not only has Elon Musk brought the hammer down on the entirety of the Deep State’s foreign aid boondoggles, but his sleuths have apparently also uncovered one of the Swamp’s most pernicious artifices. To wit, numerous Federal agencies, including USA…
Latisha Blanda · about 18 hours ago · 3 minutes read


Draining the Swamp: Exposing the Deep State's Foreign Aid Boondoggles

Politico's Pricey Propaganda and the Federal Budget

Elon Musk's recent deep dive into government spending has unearthed a shocking revelation: Federal agencies are shelling out millions for expensive subscriptions to publications like Politico, a Beltway megaphone often seen as favorable to its subscribers within the government. This raises serious questions about the responsible use of taxpayer money.

These "pro" versions of Politico newsletters come with hefty price tags, ranging from $3,000 to a staggering $24,000 each. The climate crisis bureau at USAID, for example, purchased two of the most expensive subscriptions. One wonders how such expenditures align with the agency's mission of addressing global hunger, or why bureaucrats need pricey policy gossip when free climate change information is readily available.

Over the past nine years, federal agencies have collectively spent a jaw-dropping $8.2 million on Politico subscriptions, according to What "deep" insights could possibly justify such exorbitant costs?

A History of Foreign Aid Excess

This Politico spending spree is just the tip of the iceberg. It harkens back to a similar incident in 1981, involving the Reagan administration's attempt to cut foreign aid. A confidential budget proposal, aiming to reduce foreign aid spending by a significant $2.6 billion, was leaked to The Washington Post almost immediately, sparking outrage within the "foreign policy establishment."

Then-Secretary of State Alexander Haig, in a memorable exchange with President Reagan, reportedly exclaimed, "Mr. President, your bean-counting budget director wants to embarrass you before the entire world by having you rear-back and shove your head straight into a pencil sharpener!" This vividly illustrates the resistance faced by those who dare to question the sanctity of foreign aid spending.

Despite initial efforts to rein in spending, the foreign aid budget has ballooned over the decades. Adjusted for inflation, the combined State Department and foreign aid budget has more than doubled since the Reagan era, exceeding $63 billion today. This massive increase has occurred despite the disappearance of the primary justification for such spending: countering Soviet influence.

Trump's Missed Opportunity and Musk's Crucial Discovery

Even during the Trump administration, which faced constant opposition from the Deep State, the foreign aid budget remained inflated. This demonstrates the entrenched power of the "Empire Firsters" within the national security apparatus.

Now, Elon Musk's scrutiny has highlighted the true nature of this spending. The vast network of organizations funded by State and USAID, including the World Bank, IMF, UN agencies, NGOs, and news outlets, represents the core of the Deep State's power base.

A Path to True Homeland Security

Disrupting this flow of funds is crucial to challenging the Deep State's grip on power. A true "America First" national security policy should prioritize a strong national defense and nuclear deterrent, not a sprawling global empire built on foreign aid and interventionism.

Eliminating foreign aid entirely would save upwards of $40 billion annually and significantly reduce the federal bureaucracy. Humanitarian efforts, while important, should be the responsibility of philanthropic organizations, not the government.

A "Humanitarian Help Fund," financed by contributions from billionaire philanthropists, could address global needs without burdening taxpayers. This would expose the hypocrisy of those who champion foreign aid while simultaneously opposing private charitable giving.

Ultimately, the fight against the Deep State begins with challenging the sacred cow of foreign aid. Only then can we hope to reclaim true national security and prioritize the needs of the American people.
